Broadcom should be broadening your VM horizon  

TLDR: The Broadcom acquisition of VMware has highlighted real concerns around the potential of rising prices and the falls of their hypervisor products.  

Enter Fluid, an all-in-one solution boasting lower, fixed cost and simple and open technology. Fluid is an orchestrating platform that builds, runs, and secures applications and workloads with all the hypervisor product functionality VMware offers.  

2 min read  

VMware customers are feeling uncertain after the acquirement by Broadcom Software Group for a sizeable US$61 billion, and with good reason. This recent purchase has raised serious questions about the strategic changes around the VMware brand, research, development, potentially discontinued products, and the biggest question – pricing.  

Gartner analyst Michael Warrilow said the most concerning change from this deal is Broadcom bumping up VMware’s prices like they have demonstrated in other recent acquisitions of CA and Symantec. “[Broadcom] put up the prices of CA and Symantec considerably and Gartner clients have said that was very concerning for their environments.” – Michael Warrliow, Gartner Analyst. Are Gartner clients the only ones? Well, according to recent survey results from canalys 46% of partners are wary of this historical change too. 

VMware is a recognized market leader charging premium prices for their services plus additional charges for every expansion product required to grow a customer’s virtual portfolio.  

What’s the alternative, more affordable, and flexible solution? Fluid. A modern VM orchestration and management platform that is easy to use, and at a much lower, and fixed, cost. 

“If you’re a smart IT operator, the Broadcom acquisition should have you thinking about how you’re going to manage your VMs in the future, and whether it really is the right solution for you. Fluid not only replaces VMware at a fixed, more affordable cost, but it is super easy and fast to install, AND has additional capabilities already included to capitalise on.“

Daniel Ward, Fluid Senior Engineer.   

Some Fluid clients began with a single VM to test its capabilities before growing once they realized Fluid’s ease. For example, Ezypay, Australia’s leading subscription and direct debit billion solution, began with a single VM migration to Fluid to test its fixed pricing promise as well as demonstrating the same feature parody of VMware. Ezypay has now migrated their entire existing workloads without rebuilding anything, having pulled VMs from an existing cluster easily over to Fluid. A simple solution that guarantees a low total cost of ownership (TCO) with no lock-in period, that is based on a fixed node usage structure.   

Through this acquisition, Broadcom has highlighted competitor hypervisor products that offer the same suite of capabilities at a significantly lower price.  

Daniel continued, “No matter how big or small your company is, a significant margin of difference in price with Fluid opens a great potential for more VMs and application deployment for your business. Which also means instantly greater business outcomes and achievements.”