Simplify complex, maintain openness

Fluid highly values open ecosystems, understanding that they cultivate innovation and collaborative progress in technology.

By promoting and encouraging integration with open source software, Fluid ensures greater flexibility and adaptability in its solutions, avoiding vendor lock-in.

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Complexity slows innovation

Fluid is an platform that simplifies the deployment of network and compute architectures anywhere, making infrastructure ready to run workloads sooner

Openness cultivates & accelerates innovation

Fluid intentionally, and proudly leverages open source software to enhance the experience of customers and encourage solutions to be deployed as containers or VMs on the platform

If it works with Kubernetes, it will work with Fluid

Check out this long list of ecosystem partners providing support for Kubernetes

Kubernetes Partners

Here’s just some of the tech that is baked into Fluid

Fluid integrates a range of open source technologies, ensuring a versatile and innovative foundation.

This approach allows users to extend and customize their environment with their preferred tools, enhancing adaptability and personalization.

Selecting the best of breed open source technologies within the Kubernetes ecosystem is crucial for building a robust and scalable infrastructure. 

By working with and leveraging these top-tier solutions, Fluid assures resilience and efficiency of Kubernetes deployments, ensuring high availability and seamless scalability in response to varying demands.

And true to our word, our openness means you can mix and match, plug and play other Kubernetes ecosystem tech whilst still getting all the benefits of Fluid.
