What is Fluid? Cloud Platform for My Business

Think of your legacy IT infrastructure, the one that is stagnant, lacks modern security, is so complicated that it requires expert staff just to manage and maintain it, yes that one… now imagine if we could turn that same IT infrastructure into a hybrid, secure, and multi-cloud platform in a matter of minutes!

Well we can! 

Introducing Fluid’s tailored designed, multi-cloud solutions that will transform your businesses IT infrastructure.

Your Secure, Hybrid, Multi-Cloud Solution is Here!
With Fluid, businesses can gain the agility, security, and scalability of the public cloud while retaining control over their data. In today’s fast-paced digital world, businesses require infrastructure solutions that can adapt and scale with their evolving needs. Traditional technology infrastructure, designed for static workloads faces challenges in scalability, agility, and innovation due to its inherent rigidity and complex maintenance requirements. Fluid addresses these challenges by automating provisioning cloud-scale compute, networking, and container orchestration, “bringing the cloud back down to earth”.

The Problems with Today’s Infrastructure
Legacy infrastructure poses several challenges, including inflexibility, security vulnerabilities, complexity, and skill shortages. Monolithic and heritage infrastructure vendors rely on slow manual processes and outdated architecture blueprints, hindering efficiency and innovation. Moreover, unsecure infrastructures not only compromise data security but also erode customer trust and confidence in your business, ultimately leading to a loss of business.

Why can’t I just use the public cloud?
While the public cloud has seen rapid adoption, it’s not without its drawbacks. Rising costs, compliance issues, business policy conflicts, and latency concerns in geographically distant data centres, all of these are a few of the many reasons why the public cloud is not a one-size fits all. Fluid’s tailored approach offers the best of both worlds, combining the scalability and agility of the public cloud with the control and customization of on-premises environments.

All the Public Cloud Benefits Tailored for your Business
Fluid’s hybrid and tailored cloud solution embodies a modern shift in IT infrastructure, a shift that views infrastructure as “fluid” and adaptable. This approach combines the elasticity and on-demand availability of the cloud with the control and customisation of on-premises environments, enabling efficiency and agility. Fluid thinking embraces cloud principles, applying them to the entire infrastructure landscape, thereby enabling premium levels of efficiency, agility, and innovation.

What Can Fluid Do for My Business
Fluid combines secure, scalable, cost-effective, and high-performance solutions to meet diverse and dynamic business demands. Our tailored, multi-cloud solutions will empower your business with rapid deployment that is cost-effective, to save you time and money, whilst ultimately enhancing security, compliance, and performance efficiency. 

By adopting Fluid’s hybrid cloud, ASE, a data and tech provider, reduced their onboarding process from 2-3 days to a matter of minutes, significantly saving them a lot of time and money. [link to blog]

Want to level up your business like ASE? Contact Fluid today to discover how our tailored cloud solutions can transform your procedures, security, and ability to scale.